Course overview
BA Classics (Literae Humaniores)
BA Classics & Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
BA Classics & English
BA Classics & Modern Languages
Typical intake: 5
The College normally accepts five undergraduates a year to read Classics. The nature of the courses available depends on whether, and to what extent, the applicant is already competent in Latin and/or Greek.
The College has tutors for all three main branches of the course. Dr Scullion’s specialities are Greek religion, Greek tragedy, and the history of Greek literature, Professor Quinn’s Hellenistic and Roman history and Dr Peramatzis’ ancient philosophy. The College has a useful collection of classical books and is near the Art, Archaeology & Ancient World Library, the Ashmolean Museum, the Institute of Archaeology and the Faculty of Classics..
The usual course, after the Honour Moderations exam in the fifth term, is to proceed to ‘Greats’ (Classics Finals), for which a combination of topics is studied, drawn from Language and Literature (including Philology), History, Philosophy and Archaeology. In Philosophy a wide range of optional subjects, both ancient and modern, is available. After Moderations undergraduates may also be permitted to change to other degrees, especially to Classics and Modern Languages where, for example, Modern Greek or Italian may be studied from scratch. Latin or Greek may also be studied as a subsidiary to a modern language, the first examination being the Modern Languages Prelim. The College welcomes applicants in Classics & English.
Ancient History may be studied either in Classics, or in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, or in combination with History in Ancient and Modern History, a course similar in pattern to that of the History degree. This is an attractive course for those with some knowledge of classics, whose primary interests are historical. Professor Quinn is happy to discuss these options with potential applicants.
Fellow & Lecturer in Latin and Steward of the Senior Common Room
Dr Peta Fowler
Hinton Fellow & Tutor in Philosophy
Dr Michail Peramatzis
Emeritus Fellow
Professor Josephine Crawley Quinn
Fellow & Tutor in Classics and Dean of Degrees
Dr Scott Scullion
College Lecturer in Ancient History
Dr Dominic Dalglish
College Lecturer in Roman History
Dr Michael Economou
Diebold Professor of Comparative Philology and Complaints Officer
Professor Andreas Willi
College Lecturer in Ancient History and Strategy & Governance Officer
Dr Alex Wilson