Massada Public Seminar: Professor Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin

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Massada Seminars

Thursday 27th February 2025

17:15 - 18:45

Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre

Massada Public Seminar: Professor Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin

“God Will Not Stay Silent” Gershom Scholem, Zionism, Messianism, and Binational Thinking

Professor Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin, Ben Gurion University in the Negev

In a text written in Jerusalem in 1926, Gershom Scholem, who later became one of the greatest Jewish scholars and intellectuals in the twentieth century, pointed to the dangers inherent in Zionism’s attempt to secularize and nationalize Judaism. Involved in the organization ‘Brit Shalom’ (Covenant of Peace), that advocated a binational arrangement in Israel-Palestine, Scholem at that time argued that binationalism was essential for distinguishing Zionism from messianism. The lecture will elaborate on Scholem’s observations, take them as a starting point for understanding Zionism and its complexities, and explore their relevance for the discussion of Israel and its current crises.

The presentation will be followed by discussion and drinks. The event is free. Advance registration below is required from all attendees.

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