Dr Leah Trueblood
Career Development Fellow & Tutor in Public and EU Law
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, Bonavero Institute of Human Rights
BA (Alberta), LLB (LSE), MSt DPhil (Oxford)
Leah is a Career Development Fellow in Public Law. She holds degrees in philosophy, law, and the philosophy of law.
She holds first-class degrees in philosophy from the University of Alberta and in law from the London School of Economics. She completed her DPhil research at Oxford in 2019. Her graduate work was funded by University College, Oxford and the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation. She has been the recipient of grants from the John Fell Fund, the British Academy, and the Leverhulme Trust.
Leah teaches Constitutional and Administrative Law to undergraduate students for the College. She also teaches Constitutional Theory and Advanced Administrative Law to graduate Students for the Law Faculty.
Leah’s research is at the intersection of Public Law and Public Policy. She is particularly interested in referendums, political parties, and the role of scientific advice in democratic decision-making.