Dr Katie Hurst MRCS
College Lecturer in Medicine
Clinical Research Fellow, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences
Katie obtained a BSc in Biomedical Science from Sheffield University in 2009 and an MB BCh from Cardiff University in 2013. Upon completion of her Foundation Doctor at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, Katie then was employed as an Academic Clinical Fellow on a three-year academic programme where she managed to complete her Basic Surgical Training one year ahead of schedule.
Currently undertaking her DPhil at the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences and a member of Wolfson College, Katie is working towards the crucial understanding of biomarkers within the plaques of peripheral vascular disease.
Katie already has over 30 publications in journals which include those with the highest impact factors in her field. After having won numerous prizes including the Glaxo Fellowship Prize (2016), Oxford University Surgical Tutor of Year (2015, 2016 and 2018), the Sol Cohen Prize of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland (2015, 2017 and 2018), and the Professor JR Silbert Prize of the Welsh Paediatric Society (2014).